Developing and writing a competitive proposal for Horizon Europe is no mean feat. Done right, proposal writing in Horizon Europe takes hundreds of hours of work by experienced professionals.
If you are new to writing such proposals, your chance of success unaided is extremely slim. Even if you are already experienced with writing similar proposals and confident in your abilities, writing a 50-page-document of dense content still requires a substantial amount of your valuable time. Familiar with the workings of academia ourselves, MODUS R&I Europe knows first-hand that most academics already have a jam-packed schedule and won’t be able to fit in another major task. There are also various tips and tricks that dedicated professionals like us have acquired through years of experience in European funding framework, helping to increase your odds of success.
Horizon Europe is an extremely competitive program, and the stats of recent years have only shown that it is getting more competitive every year as submitted proposals are at an all-time high. It has a success rate of ~15% overall, with some topics below 5%, and millions of Euros are on the line. This means you should do everything you can to increase your own odds of success. You need dedicated proposal writing experts who can fully dedicate themselves to writing your Horizon Europe proposal. You need MODUS R&I Europe.